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Real talk from down under, and beyond!
Osher's podcast is absolutely fantastic - well produced and a must listen. After spending 12 hours binge listening on recent US road trip, I whole heartedly recommend listening to OG's podcasts, he's a great conversationalist and is authentic in sharing his life with listeners. He manages to bring on a wide range of guests from different backgrounds, who for the most part bring meaningful stories and antidotes for life with them.
Dude is real
Osher is fun, refreshing and real, and he's not afraid to lay his demons out on the table. He owns who he is. Who doesn't respect that?
Unexpected, amazing emotional value
I found Osher's podcast by way of Rich Roll (another amazing podcast!). Although not Australian, I've found deep solace and interest in the topics discussed on the OGP. Many of the guests are Australian, and as an American, it's very interesting that it allows you to engage with then as individuals rather than known celebrities. Osher is a very relatable and inspiring host, and he manages to produce a very technically proficient podcast. Listening to the OGP is like having one of those amazingly deep conversations with your best friend. It just soothes your soul. I've found it very unexpectedly comforting during the overlapping difficulty of a challenging time at work, the expected stress of the run up to my marriage, and the physical demands of training for my first half ironman triathlon. As testament to the value I've found in this experience, I've also subscribed to Osher's two other podcasts - one on movies and one on relationships. Two points of constructive feedback and one request: 1) let the shows go longer. I think there is huge appetite to run for 90-120 minutes; 2) where are new episodes of "let me tell you something?" - bring it back!; and 3) find a way to monetize this so you can put out more than one a week! I wholeheartedly recommend Osher's work to anyone who is interested in deep, real human connection.
I love this podcast
I've never heard of any of his guests, but they are always interesting. Always a nice positive vibe and something to think about.
Love Osher's authenticity and the depth of the conversations. A great reminder of how we should live every moment!
Amazing stuff!
I'm an interviewer and have my own podcast. I have to bow down to the interviewing and conversational skills of Osher. This guy knows how to create a 10/10 conversation. I just listened to the Darren Hayes and Wil Anderson interviews. Compelling listening. I'm feeling inspired. A must-listen.
100% Candid
Osher is incredibly candid & sweet, while still being a tough Australian of course ;) As a Californian, I really like learning about Australian culture/ media and how Osher joins in with American culture/media. Osher thank you so much for sharing your journey!!
One of the best podcasts I've come across
I've been listening to podcasts for awhile and Osher's is one of the best ones I've come across. Very well produced, great guests and honest interviews. Inspirational and entertaining!
This is the podcast I wanted to create
Osher has a very relaxed and conversational style that brings the best out of his guest. There is no formulaic questioning approach which takes the discussion in interesting directions. Osher is genuinely interested in the story that is being shared and helping spread the message of the guest rather than promoting something of his own. I have taken something very every episode I have listened to so far.
This is hands down my favorite podcast of all time. Each episode is more entertaining than the last and truly inspiring. Thanks Osher.
Raw and self deprecating
I'm biased I'm old mates with Osher but I've kinda avoided listening because of that. Gotta say I love the Yumi interview. Fascinating insights and a different perspective on the public woman I've only ever known.
This is the first podcast I have listened to and being from the UK I didn't know anything about Osher Gunsberg but I have listened to both podcasts now and they are really goog. Well worth your time. Can't wait to hear more.