Everything you need to know about The Voice referendum with Thomas Mayo

If you’re unaware who he is, Thomas Mayo is an extraordinary man.

Based in Darwin, he’s Thomas Mayo is a Kaurareg Aboriginal and Kalkalgal,
Erubamle Torres Strait Islander man.

He is the Assistant National Secretary of the MUA, the Chairperson of the Northern Territory Indigenous Labor Network and a director on the Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition board and is a signatory of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and has been a leading advocate since its inception in May 2017.

I’m so grateful he came around, and I hope that if you need to you can share this episode or indeed last Friday’s episode with people in your life.

I don’t know about you - but this is going to need more than me writing “yes” in a box.

This is going to need gentle, generous conversations with people, every day if needed.

I hope you get a lot out of this.

00:00 Intro
01:30 Interview start
02:07 Acknowledgements of Country
05:49 Other Countries' Indigenous Recognition
07:47 Indigenous Incarceration & Disadvantage
16:36 Listening when making laws for Indigenous People
22:10 The No Campaign & Disinformation
28:53 Solidarity
32:45 Gurindji Warlpiri Wave Hill Walk-Off
40:55 Shame and Emotional Resistance
45:31 How to Persuade Reluctant People
49:56 Consequences of No
52:21 Consquences of Yes
57:03 Amendments - What If We Need To Change It?
1:03:41 What kind of country do we want to live in?
1:06:40 Uluru Statement from the Heart