Capturing the hyper-object of Climate Change in a conversation with Playwright David Finnigan

David Finnigan, an accomplished Australian playwright, climate researcher and author who has been working in this space for over 20 years.

His theatre work is visionary to say the least.

Among his notable works is "Kill Climate Deniers," a bold and audacious play that cleverly weaves together politics, climate change, and activism. This groundbreaking production challenges the status quo and ignites conversations about the urgency of addressing environmental crises.

And here’s how you know it’s good - because Andrew Bolt got upset at the title. That’s a KPI in any climate conversation.

00:00 Introduction
06:31 Life post climate change
09:43 Climate activism
10:19 Science media
16:02 Climate denial
27:38 Climate grief
30:58 Nuclear proliferation
34:34 Indigenous land management
36:11 Sea level rise
42:24 Mass migration
50:18 Disinformation
55:50 Economic incentives
56:06 Green New Deal