Antonia Murphy - Human Beings Are Just Starved For Touch

When I took my electric Harley to Eastern Creek for a track day for the first time, an old bloke who had very noisy motorbike walked up to me and said “An electric Harley? It’s like going to a brothel for a hug”.

Well, my grumpy old friend - it turns out that going to a brothel for a hug is actually a very important thing for some people.

When we have the luxury of being able to conduct so much of our life from our own home, our shopping experience, socialising and work meetings just to name a few. - it’s no wonder that so many of us are starved of human touch.

My guest this week is Antonia Murphy, and we discuss her experience running an ethical escort agency in New Zealand, where sex work is fully decriminalised.

Her brilliant book is called Madam is out now, and it’s such a sensation it’s becoming a whole TV series. This chat covers the broader idea of human connection, dignity, sex work and disability, and the impact of modern technology on relationships.

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